Donate Baby Chicks | Donate Chickens | World Vision Canada Skip to Main Content

Baby Chicks

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20.00  –  40.00 75.00
Gift Impact

Baby Chicks

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20.00  –  40.00 75.00
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Baby chicks offer more than a cuteness factor. When they grow up they produce nutritious eggs for children to eat and provide a source of ongoing income for families.

Item numbers: 6411, 4432

Your gift impact

72,060 animals were given to families in need, providing new means to earn income.

Your gift impact


animals were given to families in need, providing new means to earn income.
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The everyday joy of hens and roosters

Here in Canada, chickens and eggs are items many can afford to buy regularly. But that’s not an option for many of the world’s poorest families. This story shows us the change that’s possible when you donate through the Gift Catalogue.
Thanks to generous donors who have given baby chicks, or hens and roosters, families in Cambodia are benefitting from daily access to protein-rich food, and a source of income. These gifts are supporting families to break the cycle of poverty as they invest in their future and their children's education.
A few years ago, Cheng Pok received chickens through the Gift Catalogue. She grew the animals from a clutch into a flock of more than 100. Cheng Pok now runs a local co-op that provides Gift Catalogue chickens to other families who need them most. Watch the video to learn more:

Samphors, her husband and two young children are one of the families that have experienced transformation through the work of the co-op. They were working hard to make ends meet when they received 20 baby chicks, five hens and a rooster from Cheng Pok’s co-op. That’s when things started to change. Fast forward four months, the chickens provide a steady supply of eggs for the family. World Vision’s nutrition program taught Samphors how to use the eggs as a superpowered food for her baby and family to help them grow strong. She also plans to keep growing the flock and sell the chickens for income.
This is the kind of community transformation that’s possible when donors gift livestock through World Vision. To view other animals that help families excel, visit our animals collection page here.