Communities in need. Canadians who care.
Introducing a new way to support entire communities throughout the developing world. A monthly pledge where contributions are pooled together to create powerful change. A charity that focuses on removing the fundamental barriers to progress. A partnership that works with villages for 12-15 years to establish long-lasting results. Village2Village turns collective Canadian power into global community impact.
Whether you are an individual, family or community you can support villages in need. With your love, victory over poverty is possible!
Villages your monthly gift will support:
GUATEMALA: SAN PEDRO — Poor farming community, poverty runs deep (74%), malnutrition is on the rise and schooling is severely lacking.
NEPAL: ACHHAM WEST — More than half of the population are children, and poverty forces families to choose work over education.
BANGLADESH: BHANDARIA — Insufficient food for 95% of families. Women's wages as low as a dollar a day. Child labour, environmental challenges, and more.
LAOS: MULTIPLE COMMUNITIES — Food shortages, children at risk of disease, and uneducated mothers.
TANZANIA: SHISHIYU — People survive on subsistence farming, harvesting just enough to get by.
KENYA: SOIN — Malaria and malnourishment continue to plague families and children, a declining focus on education perpetuates the cycle of poverty.
Introducing a new way to support entire communities throughout the developing world.