Women and girls have unlimited potential. Realizing it will transform them and the world.
We believe that gender equality and women and adolescent girls' empowerment are foundational to the realization of human rights for everyone, the key to development and necessary for creating a peaceful and stable world.
We know that to improve the well-being of women and girls, we must empower them to be agents of change. We also know we must help to educate and encourage men and boys, community groups, local leadership and faith-based and secular organizations, to recognize and make room for the untapped potential of the women and girls in their communities. Your support will fuel World Vision's efforts to support women and girls in some of the most challenging places to be a girl.
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Your gifts – offering brighter futures
Thanks to your ongoing generosity and the support of partners such as the government and gifts-in-kind partners, we are offering brighter futures for children everywhere we work.