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Nic Demski: Raw Hope

Helping children in the world's most dangerous places.

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Show them they’re not alone

By 2030, 80% of the world's extreme poor will live in the world's most dangerous places, most of them will be children.

What makes a place dangerous?

Extreme poverty. Climate change. Famine. Conflict. These factors make a place fragile and block children and their families from having their basic needs met.

Raw Hope is an initiative to help the most vulnerable people living in the world’s most dangerous places, enabling them to survive, recover and build a future. Because we believe every child should have a full life, no matter where they live.

When you give through Raw Hope, World Vision can help girls, boys and their families, living in places others can’t reach. Places like Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Honduras, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Lebanon and Afghanistan.

In partnership with the World Food Program, World Vision distributes food to families and communities to improve nutrition and build resilience.


In Afghanastan five boys stand together in robes and smile.

Child Protection

Create a protective environment that improves laws and accountability as well as social services and support.

In Somalia, a young child sits on his mother's lap as a nurse measures his arm.


Address malnutrition, educate communities on proper nutrition and help improve local healthcare systems.

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a woman with her baby in a carrier on her back receives emergency supplies from a World Vision emergency staff member.


Deliver life-saving supplies such as water purification tablets, hygiene kits and blankets when disaster strikes.


Why give monthly?

Children living through crisis need steady support. With a monthly gift, you can help us meet their immediate needs, support their emotional recovery, and provide the tools and training their families need to rebuild their lives.

Help for today. Ongoing hope for tomorrow.

Your donation to Raw Hope helps rebuild children’s lives by providing:

  • Safe places for children to learn, play and receive emotional support. 
  • Mobile Health and Nutrition Teams to reach refugees and displaced families living in camps with lifesaving healthcare 
  • Essentials we all need for life, like nutritious food, access to water, sanitation, hygiene and household basics
  • Prevention of sexual violence and abuse, and support for survivors  
  • Support for families, to help them become more resilient to the chaos they face and develop sustainable livelihoods
  • Training for women to start businesses and expand their job opportunities.
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Your gifts – offering brighter futures

Thanks to your ongoing generosity and the support of partners such as the government and gifts-in-kind partners, we are offering brighter futures for children everywhere we work.