Kenyan Brass Necklace | Gift Catalogue | World Vision Canada Skip to Main Content

Kenyan Brass Necklace

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59.00 75.00

Kenyan Brass Necklace

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59.00 75.00

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These necklaces are lovingly made by artists in Kibera, Kenya. You’ll help them build a stronger community with each one you give. 

When requesting the necklace please note your gift, less the fair market value of $55, is eligible for a tax receipt. No refunds.


Item number: 5298

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When you plant seeds of hope through the Gift Catalogue, children, their families and communities blossom.

Here’s how your gifts can help change lives. SEE THE IMPACT OF YOUR GIFT

Your gift impact

When you plant seeds of hope through the Gift Catalogue, children, their families and communities blossom.

Here’s how your gifts can help change lives. SEE THE IMPACT OF YOUR GIFT

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1- E-card to your friends and loved ones.
2- Print Your Own themed greeting card.
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Include a greeting card

Gift Card Icon - Send a greeting card

Choose between 3 options:

1- E-card to your friends and loved ones.
2- Print Your Own themed greeting card.
3. Card mailed to you