Taveta AP COVID-19 Response | World Vision Canada Skip to Main Content

Help the Taveta Community

Support Taveta Area Program in Kenya and their COVID-19 response

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Why support the Taveta community?

Taveta Area Program, like all of us, has been touched by the COVID-19 pandemic in the past year. Businesses have been affected, farmers are experiencing lower crop prices, and drought has only exacerbated these harsh economic setbacks for the community. Access to vaccines is limited with only 6% of the whole country of Kenya having received a vaccine so far. These conditions have resulted in school dropouts and closures.

We need your help to support Taveta Area Program through activities like procuring and distributing masks and assisting with COVID-19 prevention and protection, building handwashing stations for schools, procuring uniforms for children to ensure they don’t drop out of school and improving the education and learning environments in light of the COVID-19 response.

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