Their challenges are real. So are the solutions.
In parts of Africa and Asia, undernutrition has risen at an alarming rate, placing over 1.8 million children under the age of 5 in Somalia at grave risk due to severe malnutrition and associated health complications. The devastating reality is that millions of infants die from preventable and treatable causes.
We’re working to help improve the health and well-being of children and mothers in some of the world’s most difficult countries. However, the need has never been greater. Your support can help reduce the number of children facing malnutrition and dramatically alter the trajectory of their future.
Thanks to your generosity and donations from the Canadian government and international partners, your gift multiplies 6X times in value to help provide:
- Improved healthcare for infants and mothers
- Strengthened health facilities
- Access to essential medicines and vaccines
- Access to nutrition services
- Training and education to empower adolescent girls and women
- And more