Deliver Life-saving Medicine and Equipment | World Vision Canada Skip to Main Content

Deliver Life-saving Medicine and Equipment

Make sure medicine and care are there.
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Help in the fight against time for children fighting for their lives.

Even curable illnesses like diarrhea can quickly become deadly for a child when a clinic isn’t nearby or stocked with the necessary medicine. Providing access to healthcare is a powerful way that your donation today can help save lives.

Thanks to contributions from the Canadian government and other international agencies, your donation today multiplies 4 times in value to help:

  • Deliver life-saving medicine and equipment
  • Provide access to nourishing food
  • Repair and upgrade healthcare clinics
  • Teach critical hygiene and sanitation
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Your gifts – offering brighter futures

Thanks to your ongoing generosity and the support of partners such as the government and gifts-in-kind partners, we are offering brighter futures for children everywhere we work.