Help end violence against children Skip to Main Content

Help end violence against children

The potential of girls and boys to dream big is often short-circuited by harmful cultural practices, crushing poverty, and a lack of resources. We are tackling these issues in Kenya and Bangladesh by changing social norms which are harmful to children such as child marriage and FGM.

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Ending child marriage could save the global economy trillions of dollars by 2030.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and child marriage are highly influenced by three key drivers: gender inequality, economic instability, and devaluing the education of girls.

Girls who marry early are more likely to leave school and remain in poverty, fostering a cycle of deprivation in which they have little agency and decision-making power.

While FGM in many cultures is a valued tradition that symbolizes the transition from girlhood to womanhood, it has devastating physical and psychological effects on girls.

World Vision aspires to end those harmful practices and ensure all girls and boys are cared for and protected from FGM, child marriage, and all forms of violence through our five-pillar approach: Behaviour change, education access, economic empowerment, reduction of water and sanitation related barriers to girls’ education and strengthening child protection systems.

With your help we can continue to bring hope and a brighter future to the world's most vulnerable girls and boys.

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